32-bit microprocessors Wikipedia
32-bit microprocessors Wikipedia:
32-bit processor, introduced in 1985. Containing 275,000 transistors, the original clock frequency was 12.5MHz. The internal and external data buses of 80386 are 32 bits, the address bus is also 32 bits, and the addressing range is up to 4GB.
What is a 32-bit microprocessor?
32-bit processor, the number of bits in a computer refers to the maximum number of bits that the CPU can process at one time. The CPU of a 32-bit computer can process up to 32-bit data at a time.
For example, its EAX register is 32-bit. Of course, a 32-bit computer can usually process 16-bit and 8-bit data.
When Intel upgraded from the 16-bit 286 to the 386, in order to be compatible with the 16-bit system, it first launched the 386SX. This kind of CPU has an internal budget of 32 bits and external data transmission of 16 bits.
Until the 386DX, all CPUs were 32-bit internally and externally. In computers, the relationship between “bit” and “Byte”, KB, MB and TB is: 8 bits are equal to one byte, that is, 8bit=1Byte, 1KB=1024Byte(byte)=8* 1024bit, 1MB=1024KB, 1GB=1024MB, 1TB=1024GB.
A 32-bit microprocessor processes 4Byte (32bit) at a time, and similarly, a 64-bit microprocessor processes 8Byte (64bit) at a time.
Chinese name 32-bit processor Foreign name 32 Bit Processor Advantages: Can process up to 32-bit data Application computer register EAX register instruction 4 bytes 4
The difference between 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors
The so-called 64-bit computer means that the computer uses a 64-bit CPU. Compared with the 32-bit CPU, the most obvious change of the 64-bit CPU is the addition of eight 64-bit general-purpose registers, which improves the memory addressing capability. to 64-bit, as well as registers and instruction pointers upgraded to 64-bit, etc. “
In order to process data, temporarily store results, or perform indirect addressing and other actions, each processor has some built-in memory. These memories that can be accessed without delay are called registers. Why the performance of 32-bit processors is much worse than that of 64-bit processors? This is actually affected by the limitations of virtual and actual memory size.
32-bit microprocessor flaws
When faced with a large amount of data flow, the 32-bit register and instruction set cannot perform corresponding processing operations in time. ” The so-called 32-bit processor can only process 32 bits, or 4 bytes of data at a time, while a 64-bit processor can process 64 bits, or 8 bytes of data at a time.
If we edit the 128-bit instructions in units of 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit respectively: the old 16-bit processor, such as the Intel 80286 CPU, requires 8 instructions, and the 32-bit processor requires 4 instructions. The 64-bit processor only needs two instructions. Obviously, under the same operating frequency, the processing speed of the 64-bit processor will be faster than that of the 16-bit and 32-bit processors.
In addition to computing power, compared with 32-bit processors, the advantage of 64-bit processors is also reflected in the system’s control of memory.
Since addresses use special integers, an ALU (arithmetic logic unit) and registers of a 64-bit processor can handle larger integers, which means larger addresses.
The maximum addressing space of traditional 32-bit processors is 4GB, which makes many data processing programs that require large-capacity memory very stretched at this time, forming a bottleneck in operating efficiency.
The 64-bit processor can theoretically reach 16777216 TB, 1TB is equal to 1024GB, and 1GB is equal to 1024MB. Therefore, the 64-bit processor can completely solve the bottleneck phenomenon encountered by the 32-bit computing system and is faster than anyone else.
64-bit processors deliver superior performance for applications that require multi-processor scalability, larger addressable memory, video/audio/3D processing, or higher computational accuracy.
Are 32-bit processors the same as 32-bit microprocessors?
A 32-bit processor is the same as a 32-bit microprocessor.
The 32-bit processor was launched in 1985 and contained 275,000 transistors. The initial clock frequency was 12.5MHz. The internal and external data buses were 32 bits. The address bus was also 32 bits. The addressing range was up to 4GB. It refers to the bits in the computer. The number refers to the maximum number of bits that the CPU can process at one time, which is 32 bits.
32-bit processor product pictures:
STM32F105VCT6 package LQFP-100 original CPU memory microcontroller chip IC – 32-bit microprocessors Wikipedia
32-bit processor product pictures – Original genuine CH563L LQFP-128 32-bit RISC reduced instruction set CPU microcontroller chip